A woman in a graveyard mourning for her son he
Gave his life to fight in a war he 
Thought was fun. A bunch of yellow 
Roses lay upon his grave but for all the
Tears she shedded no one can be
Uniform and gun, he traded in his brain
For a life he thought was fun, he gave
His country what it wanted, brave and
Strong, fresh blood, he gave himself a
Mortuary bed when it spilled into the 
Mud. His father had once walked that 
Path, but now he pays the price of a 
Son who followed his steps and who 
Lost his life, the telegram just noted of
The bravery of their son, but was it a 
Mistake that he was killed in action? A
Woman in a graveyard, another day
Has passed and another son is killed in
A war that for years will last, the bunch
Of yellow roses will always mark the 
Spot, for a son who joins the army, his 
Memory is forgot